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Moses in the land of Pharaoh

These illustrations  are in  detailed and dramatic, capturing the key moments and emotions of the story.
1) Shocked scene by Aaron. In the same illustration, Moses focused on meeting Pharaoh.  Aaron in state of shock seeing the Dog face 10 ft statue.
2) Moses starts living in the land of Midian far from Egypt and far from Pharaoh. Here Moses marries Zipporah has children, and tends sheep for his father-in-law Jethro. During this time in the Land of Egypt the Pharaoh dies and there is a new Pharaoh. And the children of God cry out to God due to their trouble. And God remembers the promises he had made to their fathers.(Moses tending sheep his father in law Jethro)
3) The basket was seen by the Pharaohs daughter. She saw the basket and saw a little baby boy crying in the basket and understood that this baby is from the children of Israel. She saw this cute baby felt sorry for him and took him home and named the baby Moses, raised this baby boy as her own child. And the child grew in Pharaoh’s palace.
4) One day when Moses was a young man, he went to meet his own people – the Israelites.  And there he saw an Egyptian slave driver beating an Israelite. Moses was very angry and killed the Egyptian. Then next day when he went to meet his own people, he saw two Israelites fighting and asked why were they fighting. To which they replied, are you going to kill us as you killed the Egyptian. Moses was very afraid that everyone knew he had killed the Egyptian and ran away to live in land of Midian.
5) Then God told Moses and Aaron go and meet Pharaoh when he goes to the river Nile, warn him if he does let my people go I will strike the waters and it shall be turned to Blood, Pharaoh did not listen to them and Moses and Aaron did as the lord had commanded them and they struck the water in front of Pharaoh and his servants and the waters in the river turned to blood and all the fish died and the river stank and the Egyptian could not drink the water for. The magicians of Pharaoh did the same so Pharaoh decided not to listen to Moses and Aaron (X)(Water of the river turning into blood)14)  Lord old Moses to go to speak to Pharaoh. And Moses went to Pharaoh and spoke if he would not allow the God’s people to go he would send a plague of frogs in the land of Egypt and there would be frogs everywhere in the palaces, in the houses, in the kitchen, in all the houses of the people, in the bedroom. Pharaoh refused to let the Israelites go.  Aaron stretched his hands over the waters of Egypt and frogs appeared everywhere, so much frogs that they covered the whole land of Egypt. +++(Frogs every where across the Land the palace Cat shocked at the huge army of Frogs) (X)15)  Pharaoh was very disturbed because of the frogs, there were frogs everywhere, In the Bathroom, in the bedroom, in the Palace kitchen and all over the land. Pharaoh was so troubled that he begged Moses and Aaron that frogs should go and never return, he promised he would let Israelites go. Moses and Aaron prayed and all the frogs died. (X)(frogs in the land of Egypt)- frog stinking and heap collected…. A fellow Egyptian looking very dull and fainting (green)…. Another one sick going to the doctor on a stretcher…
6) There was a very cute baby boy that was born during this time, they hid this baby boy in the house and when this baby boy was 3 months old they could no longer hide him, so the mother of the baby made a basket and let the basket flow through the reeds of the river Nile, the sister of the baby followed the basket at a distance to see where the basket will flow.
7) Pharaoh daughter raised up this baby boy as her own child. And the child grew in Pharaoh’s palace. He learned all the wisdom of Egypt and was very rich but never forgot that he truly was an Israelite(Moses as a boy outside Pharaoh’s palace) - A family photo of Moses having an Israeli dress standing with his Egyptian family – Moses looking different Israeli shawl and an Egyptian cat[11:40 AM, 4/4/2024] sg6146492: Moses wearing the same shawl in Illustration 4. An Egyptian painting a family photo. of Pharaoh and family...... 
Moses in the land of Pharaoh


Moses in the land of Pharaoh
