Lauren Briere's profile

Professional Digital Painting Portfolio

I created the storyline and illustrated all of the imagery in this music video for the band, The Weepies.  It was brought to life by animator, Paul Keefer.  It is now owned by their label Nettwerk Music Group. By far one of the funnest projects I've had the pleasure of working on. 
concept art for the company I'm launching.
concept art for theme 'OZ'.  If the Munchkins were to retaliate- this is what it'd look like.
concept art
concept art
concept art for a story pitch
concept art based on an umbrella incident I had.
concept art based on my inner child
my interpretation of my favorite scene in Mary Poppins
children's book concept art
book illustration for a treatment by producer/writer, J. Glenn
book illustration for a treatment by producer/writer, J. Glenn
concept art based on the people of the Boston transit system
'Where's Grampa?' concept art for a story pitch
my alter ego- a little boy with big ears facing all sorts of... adventures.
concept art for a story pitch- commisioned by House of Ophelia
background art for the music video, "Same Changes" by the Weepies. Commissioned by Paramount Studios.
concept sketch for a Tim Edwards film.
concept art for a Tim Edwards film.
concept art for a Tim Edwards film.
concept art for a Tim Edwards film. 
imagery for musician Keaton Simons 
commissioned piece.
imagery for musician Keaton Simons 
imagery for musician Keaton Simons 
imagery for musician Keaton Simons 
concept album art sketch
concept art
character sketch
an applied sketch to an actual item. 
Professional Digital Painting Portfolio

Professional Digital Painting Portfolio

children's book style that has been characterized as "adorable on the brink of menacing".
