Hsiang-Huang Tsai's profile21oz Sausage's profile

KAO! BEANS & BEATS visual identity system

KAO! BEANS & BEATS visual identity system
It's a visual identity system project that I designed for a cafe in Taipei, Taiwan.
They are a Taiwanese music label called "KAO!INC". They produced lots of great qulity Taiwanese hip-hop music. In 2014, they decided to open a cafe that is combine music, cafe and space for musician or artist. It inspired us to think about the idea of naming this cafe in "BEANS & BEATS".
Logo & Identity colors.
Ths concept of the logo came from the woodcut type. The feeling of woodcut is hard and rough, but the plasticity is great and playful. It's the atmosphere that I got from the music of KAO!INC.
These 2 patterns will be using in any printing stuffs in the future.
Business card
The inspiration of the business card is the coaster of drinks.
Photography by 21_oz sausage (GBM)
Standard fonts (Chinese)
In Chinese standard fonts, I chose 華康儷細黑 & 華康儷中黑 because this font looks blocky and rough. It's perfect for the whole system and style.

Standard fonts (English)
In English standard fonts, I chose Times New Roman and Univers LT 45 Light. In the most part of the identity system, I use lots of Sans-Serif typeface like Univers LT 45 Light. I use it because it's the typeface that fit with the blocky, rough style of this visual system. But in the title, I like to add a little bit traditional and old feeling by using the historical serif type like Times New Roman.
Facebook profile picture & Banner.
Recruitment poster
KAO! BEANS & BEATS visual identity system

KAO! BEANS & BEATS visual identity system

The visual identity system of BEANS & BEATS cafe.
