Factory Dunadu swimsuits and editorial Yorokobu, commissioned me to design a bathing suit for summer. Of course, they wanted a pattern and the idea was: summer, color, cool. It is a limited edition of 99 swimsuits (99 for girls and 99 for boys, of course hehe).
La fábrica Dunadu y editorial Yorokobu, me encargaron diseñar un traje de baño para el verano. Por supuesto, ellos querían un patrón y la idea era: verano, color, fresco. Se trata de una edición limitada de 99 trajes de baño (99 para las mujeres y 99 para los varones, por supuesto jeje).
You can buy it here
Hope you like it!
These were my role models
Line work
Final pattern
Each swimsuit was a signed and numbered card.
Swing Suit Summer

Swing Suit Summer

Factory Dunadu swimsuits and editorial Yorokobu, commissioned me to design a bathing suit for summer. Of course, they wanted a pattern and the id Read More
