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Endangered birds Colombia

September 11, 2015 Camilo Ganado contacted me regarding a project for Liron.
The idea behind Lirón stem from the independent design around the world, and looks for a way to interconnect the world around design making unique pieces that can transcend frontiers. 
I liked the project and there are endangered birds Columbia.
1. Scientific Name: Chlorochrysa nitidissima
Common Name: Tangara multicolor

This bird is endemic from Colombia, it can be found in the occidental and nort of the mountain range. In the departments of
Antioquia, Caldas, Risaralda, Quindío, Cauca valley and Cauca inside the humid forest, mist forest, secondary mountains and the edge of the forest.

The population of this specie is really low and is highly shatter due the degradation and lost of his natural habitat caused by the built of roads, mining, wood cutting and human settlement. Characteristics: Size 13 cm. It has a harlequin pattern.
2. Scientific Name: Andigena hypoglauca
   Common Name: Terlaque Andino

It can be found from the central mountains to the south of Colombia. Near Ecuador and Perú. Its considered internationally as a almost endanger species, in Colombia its considered as vulnerable. The biggest treat is the lost of its habitat and the fragmentation of it as the result of the agricultural expansion.
Characteristics: Size between 46 and 48 cm, it can weight from 244 to 370 gm. Its beak is from 89 to102 mm long, with
half of it yellow, and a black vertical line. Its jaw is Yellow. Its face is black, chest blue-grey, the back if brownish with some
green tint, the lower parts are blue-grey. The male rump is bright yellow and the tale is blackish, with two o three pair of feather with brown points, its sides are lacklustre blue-grey. The female looks like the male, but its beak is shorter.
3. Scientific Name: Semnornis ramphastinus
    Common Name: Compás, Tirapuentes o Yumbo
It habits in the humid jungle of the Andes, southeast of Colombia and in the northeast of Ecuador.
Its consider as an endangered species due to its small distribution and the degradation of its habitat.
Its also chased for illegal commercialisation as a cage bird. Its well know for being in couples jumping from branch to branch.
They also can be saw in mixed flocks. Characteristics: Size 20 cm. The reproductive success is really low, due the the high competence that are for the small amount of branches required for the nest
4. Scientific Name: Bangsia aureocincta
    Common Name: Bangsia de Tatamá
It is an endemic bird from the Colombia mountains, at the head of the San Juan river., located in Tatamá, between the departments of Choco, Risaralda and the Cauca Valley. This specie is considered as endangered because of the deforestation, the colonisation and the mining around its habitat.
5. Scientific Name: Cyanolyca Pulchra
   Common Name: la urraca chocoana o chara hermosa
It can be found in the misted jungle at the southeast of Colombia, from the San Juan river to the
northeast of Ecuador. It considered endangered because of the destruction of its habitat. It is easy
affected by the human presence. Characteristics: Size 28 cm
6. Chlorostilbon notatus
Blue-chinned sapphire
The blue-chinned sapphire (Chlorestes notatus) is a hummingbird that breeds from Colombia south and east to the Guianas, Trinidad, Peru, and Brazil. There have been occasional records from Tobago. For Brazil, the species' range is along the main Amazon River Basin, as well as the coastal Atlantic Ocean, both in the northeast, as well as far south on the southeast coastal strip, (an entire coastal strip, north-east-south of about 3000 km). It is sometimes placed in the genus Chlorostilbon.
It is a bird of forests and sometimes cultivated areas with large trees. The female lays her eggs in a deep cup nest, made of lichen and other fine plant material and placed on a horizontal tree branch. Incubation is 16 days with a further 18–19 days to fledging.
The blue-chinned sapphire is 8.9 cm long and weighs 3.8 g. The bill is fairly straight, with the upper mandible black and the lower reddish. The male has mainly green plumage, darker above, with white thighs, a forked metallic blue tail and blue upper throat. The female differs from the male in that she has green-spotted white underparts.
Blue-chinned sapphires feed on insects and nectar, mainly in trees but sometimes on vines or smaller plants like Heliconia.
The song is a high metallic ssooo-ssooo-ssooo.
7. Scientific Name: Oxypogon cyanolaemus
Common Name: El Barbudito paramuno
It can be found in the occident Andes of Venezuela and Colombia (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Tolima, Quindío
as well in the south of Cundinamarca) it can be usually saw feeding of the frailejon (Espeletia) flower. Its consider
as minor endanger species because of the deterioration of its habitat, although according the IUCN its considered
as a critical endanger species. This bird is a kind of hummingbird.
Characteristics: Size 11.4 cm, its beak is really short 8mm.
The female is la hembra more lacklustre and does not have the stubble neither the crest.
Endangered birds Colombia

Endangered birds Colombia

Endangered birds Columbia
