David Park's profile

Church related projects

Church related projects.
Throughout my time in UCLA, I had an opportunity to design for various church related groups.
I organized those projects in a chronological order.
2013 - 2014
Yorba Linda Seventh-day Adventist Church

"We build a strong, healthy, and spiritual community"
Mission Statement
We believe the principles of Christ’s life call us to serve and welcome those in our community regardless of race, gender, culture or creed. We seek to provide an environment and culture of compassion, unity and love based on the teachings and actions of Jesus Christ as expressed in the doctrines of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. We welcome the participation of all those seeking truth and encourage the discussion of new and progressive ideas to further our mission. As members of this ministry, we believe it is our duty and calling to use our collective talent, time, and resources to improve the lives of those in our local community and across the world.
Vision Statement
Yorba Linda SDA Church strives to be a beacon of grace and relevance for all those seeking God, Truth and Community.
Campus Adventist Network
Campus Adventist Network is an Adventist group that strives to encourage and promote the faith of college students.
We seek to provide a support group that addresses the spiritual and social needs of its members.
Currently, CAN group is operating at multiple UC Campus.
Student Adventist Leadership Training (S.A.L.T)
S.A.L.T. (Student Adventist Leadership Training) is a non profit organization that was started back in 2003 by the Korean-American SDA Churches in Southern California. The purpose of S.A.L.T. is to train high school students to be lay leaders in the churches. To accomplish this, we train, empower, and equip the students throughout the school year by holding various events, a rally, retreat and a social activity. These events are completely run by the S.A.L.T. leaders. 
Imprint yourself.
Related verse: 2 Corinthians 3:3
"You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts."
Student Adventist Leadership Training (S.A.L.T)
Related verse: Jeremiah 29:13
"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." They went with this theme because we realized that in order for us to have a stronger relationship with God, we need to discover who we are as individuals. And in discovering who we are, we will re-discover who God is in our lives."
Thank you.
Church related projects

Church related projects

During my time in UCLA, I had an opportunity to design for various church related groups. After I finish the recent S.A.L.T. design, I decided to Read More
