Sasha Bogatov's profile

double collages / 2016

"double collages"

stephen mcmennamy first began to combine two photos. he makes amazing collages. when I saw his work, i wanted to do something similar. Stefan uses own photography to collage. my works - a combination of photos from free photo stocks.

1 repainted the car 
2 honey speech

3 "write drunk; edit sober." - ernest hemingway  
4 ball of ice cream

5 air pear  
6 untitled
7 birds song  
8 booooom!

9 cloudancer  
10 to draw, to play

11 tenderness  
12 lordship

13 she stuck  
14 carcloud
15 cloudman  
16 food-porn

17 wandering kettle 
18 time of the pie
double collages / 2016

double collages / 2016

digital collages are part of my daily exercise in instagram
