Anders Melgaard Rasmussen's profile - social platform

An online social platform focusing on making it easier to meet each other and learn from each other across different cultures through common interests. 
Involving newcomer refugees in Danish society provides better understanding of one another and creates good integration.
Translates 'We are Denmark'.
It's time to say 'we' instead of 'us' and 'them'. leaves it up to Denmark's diverse population
to show what we are and what Denmark is made of.
A colorful design gives a diverse expression.
Each icon accompanied by a playful color 
represents a field of interest:
music, art & culture, film & entertainment, hobby
sport & health, food, language & conversation and other.
With the payoff "vi er ikke så forskellige", in English "we are not so different", 
I wish to change the mindset throughout the multicultural population of Denmark
and show by using light and encouraging iconography just how easy it can be 
to establish a connection through a common interest.
Campaign — Outdoor
The campaign will take place throughout the Danish country and each poster is translated to different 
languages, so that it reaches as many different ethnicities as possible and for people to feel spoken to directly. 
The simple look, icons and colors stay the same to maintain recognizability. 

Website — Landingpage
At you can create groups, set up or join events with others, who share similar interests.
The website functions as a framework for user-generated content.
English translation
We are multicultural
Denmark is a diverse country with people of 
different ethnic backgrounds and cultures.
We might look a bit different, but how different are we really?

We are open
What do we have in common? What can we learn from each other?
It’s time to engage ourselves more in each other and find out!
Let us get to know each other and let’s do it through our common interests.
What are you interested in?

We are a community
Find and join groups - or start one yourself!
Network, start a cooking club, find a yoga-buddy,
or whatever you need and feel like.

We are DK
You can help define what we are and what Denmark is.
Danishness is something we all define - together.
Take part in Denmark’s diversity and let’s find out together 
that we are not so different when it comes down to it.

Community Feed - social platform
Published: - social platform

An online social platform focusing on making it easier to meet each other and learn from each other across different cultures through common inte Read More
