Pokemon Go Series
These videos follow the wacky adventures of Pokémon Go players and their reckless behavior as they hunt for rare Pokémon. This is how NOT to play Pokémon Go!
EPISODE 1: Pokemon Go in the City
Distracted by his desire to catch a rare Lapras, this LEGO guy races through the big city, wreaking havoc and risking the safety of the city folk.
BOOOOOM! Bombermen battle to see who will reign supreme as the Super Bomberman champion. Based on the classic SNES game Super Bomberman, I strove to be as authentic as possible, even cutting off the sides of the frame to achieve a 4:3 aspect ratio. Making this video was a nostalgic experience that brought back a lot of great memories of when I played this strategic game with my brothers. Even if you aren't a gamer, I think you'll enjoy the uniqueness of this brickfilm.
Video Games