Miki (Michael Manfred) Frueh's profile

without realization everything is chaos – fineartprint

FineArtprint as navigation for realization – a compendium of knowledge
„without realization everything ist chaos“
fine art print on Hahnenmühle PhotoRag 308g/qm
Detailview – Original print is 70*100 cm, limited to edtion of 42 prints
One sold, one in expectation to be, 40 prints left.
Interested in buying a print? Each will sell for € 300,– (without shipping) but with signature.
Please contact me for details.
Making of – from first mental flash to final print
after the mental visualization to the first sketch in my sketchbook, investigation if the idea works. then thinking about how to do, what tools? going 3D or not? I didn’t want it to get too much computrized, so i decided to use the wacom and start new from sketch.
it was necessary, to test perspective for a really dramaticimpact. then i had to try how much distortion is possible for the qr-codes. do the codes work and how much of them?
The reason: behind every code exists a page of knowledge to the exhibition’s theme „chaos and structure“.
now there exist 48 codes to scan and 48 pages behind them. well i’m not totally ready with my compendium, some pages are still missing, so i doubled a view pages meanwhile.
but as long as FRÜHWERK will exist, this compendium propably will never be finished...
it will get supplemented in the next weeks, so that all 48 pages will be filled with philosphic knowledge about chaos and structure.

without realization everything is chaos – fineartprint

without realization everything is chaos – fineartprint

from idea to fineartprint – thinking about chaos and structure, building up a process of realization: scanning the codes leads to knowledge, know Read More
