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The inspiration of choosing the image set comes from the design of my initial sketch. What I have done in my sketch was using the using the most obvious and simplest way to form my grid, which was also applid to my final result. In this way, not only audiences focus on the objects automatically, but also it helps the observation. Furthermore, I have maually filtered out most images which have white border, writing or have multiple objects in order to reduce the visual interruption in overall outcome.
It is interesting that there a number of similarities in term of the background, shapes and colour when I looked at the unsorted images.Therefore, I refered to Problem Set 2 and created a big set of images which are considered as glyphs. In the result of color layout grid, the images are sorted by their colours, therefore some information of parterns shown on smart layout grid are lost. The result of smart grid is similar to the result of custom grid but has less control of the layout.
As what I made on the left and right images, there are zones standing out in the final result. Firstly, at the centre right area, there is a set of images having blue backgroud, lighter colour on the moon. Secondly, at the top right coner, there are many big full moons whereas at the centre and bottom left areas crescent moons are shown. Finally, the sizes of moons at the right are relatively smaller.

MDDN242 - Creative Coding
Coordinator: Tom White
Victoria University, 2017

Concept Map

Concept Map

This project focus on building a large map of images.
