Francesco Fortino's profile

Midgar Records Website

Midgar Records Website
Midgar Records is a Berlin based music label. It starts from Detroit Techno, developing new rythms and loops, used by the most featured DJs in Berlins clubs.

Techno Music likes Minimal Design
Show only what you need, and be clear

Few lines of text, perfect visuals for your vinyl's cover and only 5 menu items. Techno is minimal in both sound and design. We've agreed with this mantra with a clear, minimalistic and simple layout that always fits on-screen.
Artists ad Releases
Simple means functional, never banal!

We have a mission: make website that anyone can manage. Thus, we create specific UIs to handle specific content. Add a new artist or a new release is as simple as filling a form!

Click play & enjoy the music!
Always at the centre
Perfect fit layout helps keeping your visitor's attention up

Smartphone, tablet or pc doesn't matter. Our layout is always centered. Focus on content, minimalistic design and embedded player guides new visitors and allow them to pick your best content.
Music is love
Take a rest, and listen to music

Just select your favorite artist and listen to its latest podcats, directly streaming from SoundCloud: the perfect solution to showcase your music!
Midgar Records Website

Midgar Records Website

Midgard Records website showcase the label's artists and tracks
