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Creating Criminals - A Moving Image Piece

This is the moving image piece I created in my final semester of university. It is part of a campaign based project titled 'Creating Criminals' which is a project that aims to scrutinize the criminalization of drugs in New Zealand and attempts to make the argument for a more harm reductive, health based approach based around decriminalization. 
Creating Criminals focuses on criminalization of drugs and those who use and/or abuse them. It covers areas such as why people resort to drugs, the severity of the drug problem in New Zealand, the ineffective nature of our prison system and why New Zealand should shift its drug policy from one of that heavily leans on prosecution and marginalising drug users to a pivot to health based, evidence backed policy aimed at harm reduction.

The aim of this campaign is to create awareness around the levels of drug use in New Zealand, generate a greater understanding of the issue and as to why an inherent crime based response to drug abuse not work despite common misconceptions may seem controversial and counter-productive at first glance, it actually can be beneficial and create a society where drug abusers feel they can change and rehabilitate without threat of prosecution.

Creating Criminals - A Moving Image Piece

Creating Criminals - A Moving Image Piece
