Chicaiza Morales's profile

Dartmouth Housing Guide (2014)


I was commissioned by The Dartmouth newspaper to create a guide to Freshman/First-Year dorm clusters guide for the incoming '18s. These students graduated on June 10th, 2018.

This project is intensely nostalgic for me. I chose a brilliant sunset as the unifying element in my design; in my mind, it was the end of my freshman year and the beginning of a new day as a sophomore. These lines from the classic tune "Dartmouth Undying" should make this feeling clear:

          Who can forget her soft September sunsets
          Who can forget those hours that passed like dreams?
          The long cool shadows floating on the campus
          The drifting beauty where the twilight streams?

          Dartmouth, the gleaming, dreaming walls of Dartmouth,
          Miraculously builded in our hearts.

Welcome to Dartmouth College!

A mock up of a more realized implementation.
The plan was to create a parallax effect between the sky, dorms, and text box. The cluster illustrations still have transparent cut-outs for the sky to shine through.

Concept art of the website, including an archived screenshot from the published page.

Sunlit illustrations of:
Choates (green), East Wheelock (pink), Fahey-McLane (blue),
McLaughlin (Red), River (aqua), and Russel Sage-Butterfield (purple).


Dartmouth Housing Guide (2014)

Dartmouth Housing Guide (2014)

An online welcome guide to housing for Dartmouth '18s.
