Daria Korl's profile

The concept of interactive spaces for the fest. HALLY

Scenario: a Person enters a labyrinth, at the end of which you can see the light and hear the music. Since its way, along with the person's movement begins to move glowing images on the surrounding walls. Somewhere the image is lost somewhere it is reflected in a mirror, thus confusing and at the same time, helping the participant to find the center, where he will participate in its interactive installations.
Labyrinth: Each labyrinth has two elements and characteristic animals - the fire ( dragon)-water (fish), earth (tiger) and air (bird).Gradually closer to the center the pictures are deformed on the walls, and are simplified in the color signs.
Center: the labyrinth leads visitors to the interactive stage to the right and left of which are areas with interactive dance floors. People dancing, making music. Organized common rhythm helps to light a light interactive installation. The more people are on the dance floor, the brighter and louder music are.
Multimedia: Interactive floor becomes alive under feet. Interactive screens set in the walls, are equipped with motion sensors. The movement of visitors immediately changes the interactive projection.
The concept of interactive spaces for the fest. HALLY


The concept of interactive spaces for the fest. HALLY
