Dominik Klimat's profile

philharmonisches orchester hagen – spielzeitheft 18/19

Brochure for the concert season 2018/19 of the philharmonic orchestra hagen

when a new director came to theater hagen with francis hüsers, the associated changes to the 2018/19 season should also be clearly visible to the outside world. the concept for this was developed in-house: to address → the difficult financial situation, which is largely determined by the municipal emergency budget, the printed matter of the hagener theater was to be designed in the future with a uniform and essentially reduced formal language. as an example, the theater used the publications from the reclam-verlag.Since we are big fans of paperback series à la dtv, suhrkamp or reclam for a variety of reasons, it was particularly important to us to work on the Spielzeitheft for the orchestra hagen, not to copy the aesthetics of the original, but the programmatic »model reclam «. To that end, we defined - in the spirit of the reclam idea - a few and consistently solid resources and materials for design. the basis of our design is the traditional book typography, two full tone colors and one uncoated premium paper as a print carrier. In contrast to the classic handling of writing, we have contrasted full-page photos and reversed the usual assignments for color: images appear black and white, while writing is colored. the combination turns it into a printed matter that appears dignified and refined, as well as new and playful, and thus appropriately represents the philharmonic orchestra hagen.

two-color offset printing
format (closed): 105 × 148 mm 

philharmonisches orchester hagen – spielzeitheft 18/19

philharmonisches orchester hagen – spielzeitheft 18/19

editorial design of the playtime brochure 2018/19 for the philharmonic orchestra hagen / theater hagen.
