Mądrzy Cyfrowi

Mądrzy Cyfrowi is a new Polish nationwide program for teenagers. It is based on the adaptation of ethical values with the usage of digital tools. Foundation ABCXXI – All of Poland Reads to Kids and Google.org invited us to create a visual brand identity for the project.

We wanted the visual design to correspond with the main goal of the program, but also to appeal to the youth. And so we tried to come up with a solution that doesn’t seem infantile and which utilizes the symbols well known to the generation born already in the times of broadband Internet in every home. 

Our cooperation with Mądrzy Cyfrowi resulted in their brand identity that includes a logo, website, and conference materials. We also created a humorous animated version of the logo.

In collaboration with with Michał Dąbrowski (AD), Łukasz Grochowski (programmer), Ola Łajdak (motion design) and Ewelina Pulka (graphic design).

Year: 2018

Mądrzy Cyfrowi

Project Made For

Mądrzy Cyfrowi
