The Jacky Winter Group's profile

Headspace x Jacky Winter

Headspace x Jacky Winter
Cover Art by Jess Cruickshank.
In celebration of National Mental Health Week here in Australia, Headspace (the National Youth Mental Health Foundation) teamed up with Jacky Winter, and 50 of our artists, to create the Tips for a Healthy Headspace book.
The book is a collection of stories and tips for dealing with mental health, provided by young people from around Australia.
Each artist was tasked with creating a new artwork to sit alongside the written contributions, and the result was a beautiful, colourful and thoughtful book.
Below are the 50 Artists' works and their respective tips, in order of appearance in the book.
If you want to learn more about Headspace, their work, and their mental health support services, head to their website here. You can also head over to our website here to check out more work from the above artists, along with other artists represented by Jacky Winter.

Headspace x Jacky Winter

Headspace x Jacky Winter
