Game Bucket
Online Interactive Tool Design @ Institute of Play
Collaborated with designers, playtesters and teachers to develop Game Bucket - an online interactive library of games. Produced user experience and interaction design (UX/UI) for Game Bucket. Researched an initial set of games and mapped them to curriculum standards.

Game Bucket uses a spider like interface through which teachers, parents and students can spot the myriad connections between games and various NY State curriculum standards. The games are researched and playtested before being added into Game Bucket based on criteria developed by the team. The library of games is accessible to everyone. Certain features such as My Game Bucket are only available to registered users allowing them to store bookmarks of games for easy and quick access. Users with a login can also add new games and edit existing ones. Game Bucket is currently in its beta state and open for teachers to use and provide feedback for the next stage of development. The goal of this taxonomy project is for the community of teachers to own the space by populating the library with more games and sharing experiences of integrating these games into their curriculum.
Links:: Game Bucket
Game Bucket

Game Bucket

A library of games tied to educational standards
