Graphic History
Lead Game + Curriculum Design @ Institute of Play
Designed Graphic History - a 10 week game-based social studies + english language arts curriculum for 6th grade, in collaboration with teachers and content expertsCreated narrative, artwork and materials for delivery of the curriculum in class. Developed mini games to integrate into the curriculum.

In Graphic History, students at q2l step into the role of assisting a top notch publishing company to complete a prototype deck of history collector cards that will be used in the future to make history more fun for kids. The collector cards become an assessment tool as they challenge students to display their understanding of a term or topic they have learned in class by having to write content for the card. A simple assignment turns competitive when the company begins to select the best cards to go into their beta deck. For each card submitted by all students, only one gets selected for the final thus motivating them to excel. During the process students are rewarded with mini games that they get to play using the card deck, which presents further varied opportunities for them to demonstrate their understanding of the content.

Impressed by the work and history expertise shown by the students, the class is invited to submit proposals to a History Graphic Novel Call For Entries, the final goal for the trimester. Students learn about graphic novels, story telling and use their history knowledge and skills to create all the required materials for the proposal collaborating in small teams. The mission ends with each team pitching their proposal to members of the publishing company who select the winning proposals.
Graphic History

Graphic History

Game-based social studies + english language arts curriculum for 6th grade


Creative Fields