After school Program Design @ Global Kids
Developed curriculum and co-facilitated after school gaming program Playing for Keeps (P4K) at South Shore High School in Brooklyn. Led game design for Consent! - a game based on a social issue, in collaboration with P4K students and a game production company.

The game Consent! is an immersive experience created in the virtual world of Teen Second Life where the player steps into the role of an African American prisoner challenged to make difficult choices while learning about the history of medical racism in the American prison system. Racism was the topic chosen by the students of South Shore to explore in greater depth, after having learned about several social issues. Simultaneously, they learned game design basics along with developing the skills and tools for building games in Teen Second Life.

Students in the
Playing for Keeps program at South Shore High School participated in the game design process by contributing ideas, creating non digital prototypes, playtesting ideas and recording sound clips to be used in the final version of the game. They researched examples of medical experimentation over the six decades through which they were able to gain a deeper understanding of the issue at hand and represent it accurately within the game.


Game based on the history of medical experimentation on African Americans in the American prison system


Creative Fields