Victoria Georgieva's profile

"42 palettes in 42 days" Vol. 1 + Free palettes

"42 palettes in 42 days" Daily design challenge + Free palettes for your projects
Part 1: Days 1-14
Hey everyone!

In the middle of November I had a talk with a designer friend of mine which inspired this challenge. She complained that she was having the hardest time making designs with purple - and how no matter how she tried to combine the colour, something always seemed off to her. As a result - more often than not she'd scratch the idea and use another colour instead.

That got me thinking - I had exactly the same problem with green, which is (for me at least) the hardest colour to combine and use in my designs, followed by brown and red.
And I know I'm not alone - from my conversations with fellow designers, I've learned that almost everyone have one (or more) difficult colours.

With the end of the year almost upon us, I decided to use the remaining days to challenge myself to do something about it and start the new year with improved colour understanding.

So the plan is to do a new colour palette everyday for the rest of the year. That makes exactly 41 days, and I decided to add another one for a good measure, do my last palette on the 1st of January, and start the new year by completing my project. I mean what could be better than beginning 2019 with a sense of accomplishment?

So far so good - I've done more than the half days now and haven't missed an update! And I'm definitely feeling an improvement to my colour sense and usage. And as an interesting side bonus I haven't really anticipated - I'm starting to get a great idea about my personal style and design choices.

This is really exciting since I found out a lot about myself and my way of thinking. I noticed for example that even though I have the hardest time using green and brown, I'm absolutely in love with aquas and creams. I also have a better understanding of my own aestheticist choices and the reasoning behind my work patterns, now that I've done the exercise enough times.

The challenge is open to everyone, so you could do it too, and improve your colour sense for the next 6 weeks. You could start now, or wait a bit and do it at your own pace - it's up to you! And the best thing - it doesn't matter if you're a renowned professional, or you're just starting out - everyone could benefit from participating in this challenge!



1. The rules are not super strict but you should try your best to make 42 colour palettes in 42 days.
2. Every palette should consists of 5 different colours. If you really, really want you could include more, but in my opinion 5 is the perfect number, since such a small palette won't take too much of your time, and you'll be able to finish the challenge by putting in just 10-15 minutes a day.
3. Every palette should have one main colour. Strive to choose new and different main colour for every palette. It won't be much of a challenge if you make 42 palettes with only shades of blue, right?
Super hard mode: try to include the colours that you have problems with as often as possible in the palettes - I, for example, would try to include green, red or brown in most of my palettes since I struggle the most with them.
4. You could either:
- Choose a photo and make a palette based on it;
- Make a palette based on my theme - for Day 1 it's Autumn Trip, and every day the name of the theme would be written on the palette;
- Make your palette based on the photo I chose - think you could do it better? Every day I'm going to link the photo I used, so you could try to make a colour combo based on it.


Are you ready to start? Simply upload your palette and tag it with #42palettesin42 days!

I'm doing my daily challenge updates on Dribbble and you could follow my progress there, or keep an eye for the other two updates here (Part 2 - 15-28, and Part 3 - 29-42 would also be uploaded here on Behance after I'm done with them): My Dribbble profile
Thanks for watching and don't forget to hit that Appreciate button 👍 if you liked it!

Want even more free palettes? Check out Part 2 and Part 3

Follow me for more behind the scenes, WIPs and personal projects: Dribbble

"42 palettes in 42 days" Vol. 1 + Free palettes

"42 palettes in 42 days" Vol. 1 + Free palettes

"42 palettes in 42 days" is my personal daily design challenge. I'm making new palette every day based on a different photo. I also upload them d Read More
