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Baralho Homenagem - Aloísio Magalhães

Mockups for presentation of the two versions of the deck
Deck's Back
Aloísio Magalhães did some Cartemas, from which one of them was applied as an art from the deck's back. The same cartema was recolored in red, for a red version of the deck.

Cards with illustrations

The king represents Aloísio, the queen is his wife Solange, jack brings the face of "Barão" from the one thousand Cruzeiros Note which Aloísio was involved on the project. The joker is also Aloísio as well.
All the cards make reference to Aloísio, series of cartemas, thousand Cruzeiros banknote, his wife Solange, his own pictured face, geometric suits mentioning the style of Aloísio's design, and all the cards from the Ace to 10 are designs made by him at some point.
All the Cards here, the others cards follow this style with a change of color and naipes.
Suits Draw following Aloísio Style with geometry
Baralho Homenagem - Aloísio Magalhães

Baralho Homenagem - Aloísio Magalhães

Proposto como "Projeto Integrador" do curso de Design Gráfico do IESB, se trata de um trabalho semestral onde seria feito um baralho homenageando Read More
