Lexip Website Design
Utilizing competitive research to design a responsive website for a product making strides in the gaming industry.
In Medium Design
Utilizing Webflow, I designed a style guide, component library, and a few templated pages for the Lexip brand. The prototype is password protected by my former company, Third & Grove, but I'd be happy to walk you through some of the details and showcase my abilities within Webflow in a live demo, so please reach out!
Before the design happened though, a lot of research went into the project. Including a competitive analysis of the gaming landscape which turned into a designed moodboard. The competitive analysis was culminated in a google drive presentation for the client, and handed off as a formal PDF document as well as a presentation with the moodboards as final deliverables.

Moodboard created at Third & Grove with Photoshop.
Project Completed 2018
Lexip Website

Lexip Website
