Kaileah Nelson's profile

Amalgamate sample: 4th book of the Short Story Series

Meet Brinier the Troll! This here is my first time ever drawing a troll and I think I did a fairly great job. What I did here was sketch and ink with a felt-tip pen on paper, then I scanned it to my computer where on Jasc Paint Shop Pro I colored his eyes and hair in, using the chalk tool. Afterwards, I then using the Smudge tool to blended it together. I did the same with the shadows after chalking. To complete this piece and give it a bold effect, I put Erode on to take away any pixels and/or other things.
So this is a sample on my work for the up-coming book called Amalgamate. I am the head-illustrator for K.D. Nelson's novels. I am the one who design/created the book cover and I illustrated all the artwork inside the book, from a baby's cradle to a ship space and so much more. There is 23 different illustrations all of which were created like that of Brinier above.
So this book will be the fourth in K. D. Nelson's Story Short Series, BUT this one will be a collaboration of different stories from different authors, including myself! Yay! There are four main authors, one of which is my sister from the Dragon Bug Sisters step-reader team. We all dug out our old manuscripts one day, deciding to publish them. There are 11 stories that range from fantasy to horror to sci-fi to heartfelt.
It'll be out on Amazon soon and stay tuned! I can't wait to share more.

Amalgamate sample: 4th book of the Short Story Series

Amalgamate sample: 4th book of the Short Story Series

Welcome to Amalgamate, where you can get a touch of horror along with a smidgen of fantasy. Ten short stories and one bonus feature that range ac Read More
