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Corporate Brand Identity



Project’s mission is to build a unique identity that accomplishes the brand’s ambition and achieves global standards
We have approached by ΛNGIΛ Investment in a mission to redefine this huge brand’s visual identity. Founded in 2008, ΛNGIΛ​​​​​​​ has been one of the most developed and potential real estate investment corporations in Vietnam. To gain more trust and achieve better positioning in the market, ΛNGIΛ​​​​​​​ desired to emphasize its pioneering spirit and establish an outstanding identity.


ΛNGIΛ​​​​​​​ is a potential developing company in Vietnam's real estate industry, which is rarely noticed because of the lack of renovation in visual identity design. The tactic to apply minimalism to ΛNGIΛ​​​​​​​ logo and the visual system became a risky challenge since Vietnamese real estate firms' logos are familiar with busy and complicated graphics. It caused a big question: "Should ΛNGIΛ​​​​​​​ go with a "same same, but different" logo or a creative breakthrough symbol?
To develop a new bold identity for ΛNGIΛ​​​​​​​, we need to establish an exceptional brand that can represent greater values besides the basic characteristics of a property business. A brand can communicate inspirationally and influentially and have a proud icon. 
"In an environment where every brand competes for the highlight by plenty of details, a minimal meaningful brand surely stands out."


Design System 

We formed a simple yet flexible identity from new brand values and strategies. 
That is the symbol of the action spirit needed to construct a positive brand culture with different values: challenges, conquest, discovery, investment, and experiences. These principles are examined from both internal and external aspects.
Internal: Aim to nurture the business culture and inspire and motivate employees to achieve short-term and long-term targets. 
External: Personalize customer experiences for target groups and partners with close relationships and transparency.
The new logo became a storyteller narrating ANGIA's effortfully developing journey. The brand name's letter A was exceptionally modified with the removed crossbar, and the higher contrast promoted depth and upward movement. The balance of two simple “Λ​​” letterforms in the beginning and the end constructed the stability and solidity of the logotype. 
The single letter Λ​​​​ was also used as the logomark on different applications to make the visual identity more flexible and powerful. Moreover, we experimented with visual languages, including typography, colors, composition, spaces, and materials, to deliver a modern, minimal identity and focus more on the clarified brand message. All elements of the layouts were built on a flexible grid to diversify visual content and manage the visual system on every touchpoint—online and offline. 


Brand Message

Speech and words have the power to shape stories. And then stories shape brands
Continuously employing letter Λ​​​​​ as the narrator, we established the message system to reflect core strategic values, as well as created direct visual associations to the logomark. The message content concentrated on customer’s experiences, partner’s collaborations, investment, and brand values, with comprehensive contents, matched with brand tone of voice to deliver ΛNGIΛ​​​​​​​ intentions. 

ΛNGIΛ​​​​​​​ identity is the symbol of action spirit that builds positive business culture

ΛNGIΛ​​​​​​​ logo is a story-teller on flexible application system

Client: ANGIA Investments
Design Agency: Bratus Agency 
Creative Director & Brand Designer: Jimmi Tuan
Graphic Designer: Trang Pham, Si Tran, Nguyen X Hoang, Alex Dang 
Animation: Si Tran 
Showcase: Phong Le, Jimmi Tuan  
Account Director: Quyen Tran 
