Minor Project
Tan Jessy 0334566
Minor Project - eportfolio
26 Aug 2019 - 27 Nov 2019

Week 1
26th August 2019
After Mr. Mike had briefed us on the module outline, we were required to do a quick research on social entrepreneurship and earth-ships. We have grouped in a group of 6 to do a simple presentation on earth-ships. 
Week 2
6th September 2019
After consulting with Mr.Mike, the group had understand that there were some necessary changes that were required for our plan.
Week 3
9th September 2019
We have set down our target audience to Millennials (Age 25 to 38) and Gen Z (Age 15 to 24).
Week 4
18th September 2019
We have conducted a site visit to Planter Box House @ Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. We were able to do a simple interview with Mr. Ruben Cortez, he had explained the systems used in the planter box house to us.
Week 5
23rd September 2019
We have conducted a research by spreading an online form to obtain data collection.
Link to Google Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeGsx-TzLJ916oyElJTi8Uv53WbOboZrKv1LbR_0G3VcZM0fw/viewform?usp=sf_link
Week 6
30th September 2019
A summary of our data collected.
Week 7
7th October 2019
In this week, we had to lock down our design rationale in order to proceed to coming up with assets for our educational video.
Week 8
14th October 2019
Draft assets:
Week 9
21st October 2019
Progress on assets :
Week 10
28th October 2019 
Finalising assets :

Week 11
4th November 2019
Creating posters for facebook posts:

Week 12
11th November 2019
Finalised posters :
Week 13 & 14
18th November 2019 - 25th November
Final Presentation
26th August 2019 (Week 1)
It was the first week of the semester, i was not really clear with the assignments that we will be facing through.

6th September 2019 (Week 2)
We started into grouping ourselves into a group of 6. After that, we had to discuss on the assignment that we are assigned to do. We do not have a clear understanding on our assignment, but after consulting with Mr. Mike, everything seems much clearer.

9th September 2019 (Week 3)
With the assignment proceeding on, we have decided to lock down our target audience to Millennials (Age 25 to 38) and Gen Z (Age 15 to 24). At the same time, we started on preparing for a site visit next week.

18th September 2019 (Week 4)
We have conducted a site visit to Planter Box House @ Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. Mr Ruben Cortez had solved some of our questions during the site visit. We were also able to experience for ourselves the feeling of living in a self-sustainable house.

23rd September 2019 (Week 5)
Upon from the results obtained, there were many surprising facts that we have found from the public. After that, we have done a conclusion on the results obtained.

30th September 2019 (Week 6)
In this week, we were starting to fall behind track, therefore, we decided to arrange more time to do our group work together. 

7th October 2019 (Week 7)
When it comes to locking down our colour palette, we have spent a lot of time and many different attempts since we wanted to create our own unique colour palette that fits to our rationale. After many trial and errors we came up with a colour palette that we were all satisfied with.

14th October 2019 (Week 8)
During the process of producing assets, i learn that it is important to manage time between each modules to complete tasks on time.

21st October 2019 (Week 9)
It is very interesting learning more on earthships and being able to create awareness for it. 

28th October 2019 (Week 10)
As we proceed in week 10, we are running out of time on creating assets since we need to pass on the assets to our team members that will be animating the video.

4th November 2019 (Week 11)
We started on creating posters for awareness posts. As we are getting closer and closer to our mock up presentation, we need to speed up on production in order to have sufficient work to show during presentation.

11th November 2019 (Week 12)
Throughout the entire cooperating process, the team had done a great job in dedicating tasks that suit each member's abilities. Therefore, we each enjoyed doing our work and also learning new things from each other.

18th November 2019 (Week 13)
After completing our mock-up presentation, we have received feedback and there were some small changes that we have done to our final presentation.

25th November 2019 (Week 14)
The group has been cooperating for 14 weeks and from seeing that Mr Ruben is satisfied with our work, we were also very satisfied. It has been a pleasure working with the group members. We have each done our parts and helped each other out during the process. 

Minor Project

Minor Project


Creative Fields