Margot Chisholm's profile

Margot Chisholm. DIGITAL.

My Digital Project, All About The Face. 
Photograph. Threshold 
Posterize, and added photo. 
Several. Effects. Added 
One image placed, then second image on top, then cut away some of the top image. 
Colour separations. Digital CMYK. COLOUR. 
Threshold image in photo shop. 
Adobe Illustrator. 
Threshold image. 
This image was from an Etching, photo then taken in to photoshop and threshold applied, bitmap and greyscale. Over to Illustrator and clipping mask applied and text. 
Clipping mask
Blue Fill, Illustrator 
Taken from Etching to Screen to Digital. 
Duetone image. Pantone 
This is a photo with Duotone. Blues
Pantone colours. 
Duetone in photoshop. 
Duetone image
This is a drypoint Etching with some text added in photoshop. 
Photograph adjusted in photoshop then in to Illustrator and blocks of colour added and some text. 
Photograph in photoshop, threshold image then text added. 
Image from a pastel drawing then repeated within photoshop, by pulling image into the space and reducing size of individual image, text added. 
Drypoint Etching. 
Drypoint taken in to photoshop and text added. 
Drawing of abstract art, faces and shapes ready to be taken further. 
Typography. In Illustrator. Practice. 
A little poem, hope you enjoy, I can use parts of this throughout my work as added in text. 
Image invert and text added. 
This is two photos on top of each other then duetone, and some of top image removed, duetone and colour added and text., Poster created. 
Digital pri t of a Lino Print, using CMYK. Colours in Illustrator. 
Close up CMYK. 
Painting in watercolour. With filters 
CMYK, colour, from an Etching. 
Changing around colour in Illustrator. 
Dublicate, layer. 
Margot Chisholm. DIGITAL.

Margot Chisholm. DIGITAL.
