Practice and exploration into graphic design and typography
Contained here are a few images of designs I created during 2008.  They are not great, but do represent some of my exploration into typography and graphic design.  There is an extensive magazine layout that ties these images together which I am unfortunately unable to exhibit here due to lack of permissions for some illustrations, but I may include it in the future with the illustrations omitted.

None of these designs were created for specific purposes; rather, they were made for the sake of getting to know Adobe InDesign.
This is a poster depicting type as form for the Futura typeface.  Illusion of depth was created using the point-selection tool in Adobe InDesign, shadows were created the same way.
B Mixolydian.  This is a poster depicting type as form, not to mention that B Mixolydian is one of my favorite modes.
"Life:  It's the REAL thing"  an abstract t-shirt design inspired by Wassily Kandinsky's work, Transverse Line.

Illustration of T-shirt design implementation.
Design Practice

Design Practice

A small sample of some designs I created as practice in using Adobe InDesign.
