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Illustration & Visual Narrative - Project 1 Vormator

We were assigned to create a fire type Pokemon from the given shapes. come up with 4 variations and then start working on the best one from the 4. I went for the keywords ''intimidating'' and ''serious''.
The shapes to be used
Below are the Pokemon I used for inspiration.
In the 4 variations i came up with i tried to stick to the inspirations and keywords as much as I could.
First design wasn't ideal because the shapes used were distorted and we are not allowed to distort the shapes
For this I didn't distort the shapes, but it does not fit in with the keywords
This one is pretty alright, but as the lecturer mentioned, it's a bit too chaotic
I like the 4th variation the most because its a mix of the first one and third one, and I feel it captures the keywords quite well
I decided on the 4th variation as my main design work on. After getting feedback i chaged it quite a bit especially the face
Final design for vormator
Color variation
Next step was adding backgrounds, so I went for a background that does not necessarily represent fire, but still works. I kept pokemon cards in mind as it's gonna go on a card in the final step.
Simple background because old pokemon cards have simple ones like this
Made the background lighter after getting feedback, To emphasize more on the pokemon
Went for an island feel. Its in portrait because I wanted to try an EX card for this one
For the final step we were to design a pokemon card. I made 2 types to get feedback and see which works best. I went with the original design as it suited the pokemon more.
Ex card design
Original card design
Final Card Design
It was difficult to find a high quality template to make the card as you can tell. I added text and some logos my getting some png logos from the internet.
Illustration & Visual Narrative - Project 1 Vormator

Illustration & Visual Narrative - Project 1 Vormator
