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Online Forum Software

An Advanced Online Forum Software

Want to develop your online discussion forum to enable your audience to interact with each other? Get our ready to use forum script to make your help forum in no time. This script helps your users to connect in a place where they can share their queries and experience. It allows users to create an account, open threads, reply to messages and more.  

Profile Customization
Category Management
Responsive & SEO Friendly
User-Friendly Dashboard
Forum Search Option
White Labeled Script

Forum Script Features:

This software has all basic functionality like user registration and enables the user to customize their profiles and can increase engagement. It has a powerful text editor to create and customize the post. Users can create as many discussion threads as per their needs. This software is robust, scalable, secure and admin can take complete control over the forum with the admin dashboard. Aside from given functionality, you can customize this script according to your needs.

What does our Online Forum Software offer you?

Having an online discussion forum has become the need of every online business nowadays as tends to reduce time to connect with the company and the users. By discussing the queries in a common transparent platform you can improve productivity within your team, stakeholders and prospective clients. With our ready to use forum script, you can create an online community so your audience will naturally feel more engaged with your product or project.  

This PHP forum script has a secure admin dashboard where admin can control the forum by viewing and deleting the list of all registered users and can edit and delete their topics and comment which provides full command over the forum. Users can raise the questions regarding knowledge, reviews, suggestions threads of product or services by our easy to use help forum. It can be easily integrated with your website in less time.
The active forum makes the users and prospective clients feel authenticated regarding your product or service. Get our readymade forum clone and save your development cost.

Used Technologies and Server Requirements:

Browsers – IE 9+ , Firefox 32.6+, Chrome 20.0+, Opera 30.0+, Safari 5+
Framework – Laravel 5+
Language – PHP 7.0+, AJAX, jQuery
Design – HTML 5, CSS 3, Bootstrap 3.3.7, JavaScript
Database – MySQL 5.5+
Server – Apache 2.4+

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Online Forum Software

Online Forum Software


Creative Fields