Design and development of the DOSSIER magazine website
Design for reading pleasure
The design inherits the reduced appearance of the print magazine: an unmistakable structure, reader-friendly typography, a lot of space and the abandonment of everything that is not absolutely necessary.
The typography uses the same fonts as the print magazine. The continuous text is in the classic reading font Minion Pro, accompanied by contemporary font-siblings Aleo and Lato.
Illustration & Photography
Illustrations and photographs make an important contribution to the quality of the magazine. Where there is no time to make visual elements appealing, their use is deliberately restrained.
Transparency of sources
DOSSIER: Sources shows you where DOSSIER gets its information from. The texts are provided with links to sources, which can be viewed directly in the article.
Interactive features
Large data sets cannot be put on paper, but they can be put on the web: For example, with the help of an interactive data visualization for the evaluation of all cover headlines of the Kronen Zeitung.


Project Made For


Design and development of the DOSSIER magazine website
