This project we were tasked to walk around our neighberhood and to take some photos of areas of interest. These photos are a little bit old but they were the clearest photos that i had the I could present in a parralax project.  The images above are some of the photos i have taken and I narrowed it down to just 3 images that i want to use together, There are a wide variety of images here that i have taken throughout the years and that were relevent to this brief
I wanted to pick a background that i like and that i can make into a parralax.  I like the white background and the wide space that i can work with.
These two other photos here are the two that I wanted to use as a parralax. I plan to use the people in these images below to make the video, I think that they would suit the background and I can create something interesting with them. I like the image of the girl talking the photo to create a still image of the two girls on the image on the left.  the coats on both characters makes it easier to help merge these three images together.
The image below is a combination and a maped out image where i would like each part of these photos i want to use. I brought each photo into photoshop and broke them down to the parts that i am looking to animate. For the girl taking the photo I only needed to separate the head, arms, and top of the coat to be separate enough to allow some movement to be created.
The second image with the two girls holding arms, was a bit more difficult to animate as there are a few more pieces to separate. like their arms have to be separate, the tip of their back and the lower piece of their back.
For the background i split the foreground which is the bushes with the snow in one layer, the snow in the flat area is also separate so that I could brighten the snow to make it more white than what it was at the start, The third piece that i had separated was the trees, which i had used a guassian blur effect on it to show some depth into the image.
The video below is the action that I have chosen for the foreground of the background, I used adobe After effects to create the movement that I was looking for I am very happy with how it turned out. The next step for this project is to edit the next photo and create movement on that which is the image of the two girls bending backwards. I want to have them bending backwards from standing straight up.
The images you see below are more photos that I have taken that i was considering to be used for this project, most of these photos are of mountainous or sea orientated images. In the future I would like to practice creating more parralax projects, i may use some of these images again.
Parralax Animation


Parralax Animation
