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Robot Helper That Vacuums And Mop At The Same Time

Robot Helper That Vacuums And Mop At The Same Time
A tale about my husband!
He wanted me to enjoy my maternity leave without having to worry about keeping the house tidy. I am so touched when he took up the cleaning, mopping, and dishwashing.

But I could notice that he quickly became tired. One day, while aimlessly browsing through my newsfeed on Facebook, this new Roborock S6 pure robot vacuum and mop crossed my path. I clicked the button right away since the marketing promised a 'robot helper that vacuums and mops at the same time.'

So I thought of getting a robot helper for my husband for a change.

Before making my buying decision, I researched other users' feedback. Here's what Roborock consumers had to say about it.

Customer Reviews About Roborock - Robot Helper

Sidney, a verified user who has been using the Roborock S6 pure robot vacuum cleaner for two weeks, stated that he purchased this vacuum cleaner after conducting extensive research. "It is simple to set up and connects to the internet nicely," he says.

“It has high suction, enough power to get everywhere, and with a climbing height of 2.0 cm, it does not get stuck anywhere, and my floors feel extremely clean after vacuuming and cleaning."

He liked the slim design since it doesn't get stuck beneath cabinets.

According to him, the battery life of the Roborock s6 is outstanding, but one thing he dislikes is that the robot only runs through the home once and then returns to the base, even if the battery is still charged. He stated that the run duration is around 45 minutes and that it still has 70% battery life after cleaning the house once. "I hope it would run back over the home a second time or just keep going till the battery is done," Sidney added.

Another verified customer, Robert, stated that he lived in a two-story home and was searching for a robot vacuum cleaner that could map and keep the mapping and path planning for more than one level at a time.

According to him, “Roborock s6 is ideal for my two story house, as it has multi-level map saving capacity and zone cleanup. The mapping function actually divides the floor into multiple rooms, making the vacuuming and mopping more elaborate”.

The Roborock s6 pure's primary navigational equipment is a LIDAR sensor. "Roborock s6 employs laser navigation technology, which makes it more accurate in navigating and finding items and, of course, could perform the work in absolute darkness because lasers don't need the light," Robert explained.

Overall, Robert was pleased with the battery, which might last 150 minutes or 2.5 hours on a full charge. However, he was dissatisfied with the little capacity of the dust tank.

These are merely two of the reviews I'm including here. There were several more that highlighted all of the cleaner's features as well as its advantages and disadvantages.

Key Features of Roborock S6 That Impressed Me

- Its smart navigation and multiple sensors allow it to move on its own to clean your home.

- Its powerful 2000 Pa suction, produced by a fan spinning at 15000 revolutions per minute on various types of floors and carpets, can suck up all types of trash, even animal hair.

- The Roborock S6 Pure comes with an app that you can use to operate it. You also have the option of controlling the robot via Google Home or Amazon Alexa, making it a good addition to your smart home.

- Furthermore, the integrated E11 filter in this device captures pollen, allergens, and mold with a 95% efficiency rate. Additionally, this filter can be washed and reused several times before needing to be changed.

- The Roborock S6 Pure is equipped with a Li-ion type battery with a capacity of 5200 mAh. It can run for a maximum of 180 minutes and takes about 5 hours to charge to 100%.

For what it's worth, these are my thoughts on how well the cleaner performs their duties.
What do you think - is this going to be helpful to the manual mopping and vacuuming?

Robot Helper That Vacuums And Mop At The Same Time

Robot Helper That Vacuums And Mop At The Same Time
