Design Aesthetics's profile

CUN-Beijing Xingguang Yaolai Culture Media office Space

Project Name: Beijing Xingguang Yaolai Culture Media office Space
Design Company: CUN Design (
Chief Designer: Cui Shu
Design Team: Kong Weiqing, Wang Jizhou, Wu Jiasheng, Liu Xiaoyu, Cheng Jixin
Project Area: 600㎡
Main Materials: mirror stainless steel, bamboo sheet/metal plate/LED, grey terrazzo, grey latex paint
Project Location: Hongshu Cultural Industrial Park, Gaobeidian, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Completion Time: February 2022
Photographer: WM STUDIO, Si You

CUN Design | Beijing Xingguang Yaolai Culture Media office Space
Over the past couple of years, we are faced with the enterprise office has a more stylish demand. In an environment like this, CUN has received an invitation to join this new project.
The client is a media investment company, that would like to have these two buildings renovated as a workspace that can flow from multiple tasks.
The client is a media investment company, that would like to have these two buildings renovated as a workspace that can flow from multiple tasks.

Strategy ​​​​​​​
With many years of work experience, CUN believes that we are a strategy oriented team. Use the best strategy to find a balance to solve the problem and meet the practicality of the room’s function. As always aesthetics as the core to construct the space. ​​​​​​​
We introduce this concept of the X-shape transportation hub, this concept helps us to strongly connect all the spaces within these two buildings
Function ​​​​​​​
We introduce this concept of the X-shape transportation hub, this concept helps us to strongly connect all the spaces within these two buildings.
This X-shape hub creates this vertical and horizontal entanglement of the first and second stories.
Then, the unique shape of this bridge(hub) also adds a new function to buildings, that it gives people a way to move from building to building not only vertically but horizontally.
For the distribution of the spaces, at the first floor there is an entrance for the daily use of the employees, and the openings at the back will be used as guest entrances. Other areas at the ground level will be treated as the office and conference area. One of the areas on the second floor will be designated as the CEO & CFO’s office and their own conference room for a certain situations.
The rest of the spaces will be used as the media editing and playing room. With a design like this, we distinguish the space into a public and private areas.
Last but not least, to feel the whole space with the combination of logic and aesthetics, we will introduce sunlight to our hub and sky bridge, making it become a place that inspires people and a playground for their imagination.
In this commercial space design work,on top of that, we will be dealing with the details like all the corners in the spaces, to smooth the sharp angles, and place them with a natural curve, not because of the shape, but the practicability, and function.
In the face of a climate where every striver who goes forward has courage to persevere, the corporate clients CUN meets are all looking for new approaches and models in the face of change.
CUN is also sensitive to changes in companies looking for updated design strategies and more matching designs. Instead of looking for aesthetic language from the history of design, we focus more on addressing the demands of the present.

Just as the motto of CUN expresses,
Our design are not slaved by past experience, 
We are not followers of aesthetic trends,
We never stop on the way to find ourselves.

CUN-Beijing Xingguang Yaolai Culture Media office Space

CUN-Beijing Xingguang Yaolai Culture Media office Space


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