Haroldas Poderskis's profile

PAGANISM | Animated Banner Ad

Paganism | Animated Google Display Banner Ad
Paganism is an online e-commerce brand, specialising in the procurement of CBD oil that is produced from hemp plants that originate from the Baltic region. The brand makes most of its sales in Southeast Asia.

The product is enhanced with certain minerals which are known nutrients that benefit the absorption of CBD and proper neurological functioning that is synergetic. It is enriched in Amber and the oil itself is in the classic Amber colour - a perfect novelty gift to represent this region that is only now being discovered by global travellers.
An animated Ad for Google Display Ads was produced in two sizes - square and vertical. Adobe Creative Suite and Google Web Designer were used as the primary creative tools.
Vertical Animated Banner Ad
The animation includes parralax, on-hover and loop effects. The idea is to showcase the product as part of Baltic/Nordic nature - the deep mysterious forrests and the misty cold skies - as if the product will take the buyer back to his/her natural state.
Square Animated Banner Ad
The animation is fast, it captures the essential information and the product is always at the centre of attention. I used the brand font, colours and essential design rules to create the two versions of the ad.
PAGANISM | Animated Banner Ad


PAGANISM | Animated Banner Ad
