Fegliogative AI's profile

The Phonixians of Mobilis

The Phonixians of Mobilis
In a world parallel to ours, where the boundaries of reality are stitched together by the vibrant threads of imagination, live the Phonixians. These furry, lovable monsters, guardians of discarded mobile phones, reside in the whimsical realm of Mobilis.
The Phonixians, standing about 3 feet tall, are covered in a variety of colors and patterns. Their fur, luminescent and iridescent, reflects the shimmering lights of their environment. They have large, round, expressive eyes, and small horns that grow from their foreheads. With a prehensile tail and dexterous, four-fingered paws, they skillfully navigate the treacherous terrain of Mobilis, a world built upon the discarded mobile phones of humanity.
The legend of the Phonixians began when the first mobile phones arrived in their world through the mysterious portals that connected Mobilis to Earth. These furry creatures were fascinated by the strange devices and soon discovered the phones' potential to store vast amounts of information, memories, and emotions. They felt a profound connection to the human world through these discarded devices and vowed to protect and care for them.
Every day, the Phonixians scavenge the ever-growing mountains of mobile phones, searching for new arrivals from Earth. They carefully collect and sort the devices, organizing them by make, model, and condition. The creatures have developed an incredible ability to repair and restore damaged phones, using their innate magical powers to heal shattered screens and revive dead batteries.
The Phonixians have built their society around these discarded mobile devices, using them to power their homes and create art. The lights and colors emitted by the screens have transformed Mobilis into a dazzling wonderland, a shining testament to the creatures' ingenuity and creativity.
As the guardians of humanity's discarded memories, the Phonixians take their role seriously. They have established the Mobile Museum, a sprawling, labyrinthine structure that houses the most precious and unique devices. Here, they share and celebrate the stories, memories, and emotions embedded within the phones, connecting with the human world in ways that they never thought possible.
Despite their commitment to preserving the discarded devices, the Phonixians are not without a sense of humor. They have formed the Phonixian Pranksters, a group of mischief-makers who delight in creating playful, harmless pranks using the mobile phones. The Pranksters' antics, which include projecting holographic images and sending humorous messages to each other, have become a beloved part of Phonixian culture.
In their efforts to protect and care for humanity's discarded mobile phones, the Phonixians have created a world that is both fantastical and deeply connected to our own. Their dedication to preserving our memories, emotions, and stories, encapsulated in the devices we once held so dear, serves as a poignant reminder of the power of connection and the magic that lies within even the most seemingly mundane objects.
All images generated with Stable Diffusion, using the DrawThingsAI app. 

Technical Details:

Prompt:Ultra wide shot during (golden hour:1.2)  of furry monster covered in a variety of colors and patterns with luminescent and iridescent fur,  (in front of a pile of old and damaged mobile phones:1.5), (large, round, expressive eyes), (small horns that grow from their foreheads), by cgisociety, golden hour, highly detailed, 8k, 64k, amazing quality
Negative Prompt: <nfixer>, Low quality, bad quality

Steps: 20 | Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras | Guidance Scale: 3.0 | Seed: random | Size: 1024x576 | Model: illuminatidiffusionv1_v11_f16.ckpt | Strength: 1.0 | Seed Mode: Torch CPU Compatible | Hires Fix: true | First Stage Size: 0x0 | Second Stage Strength: 0.7
The Phonixians of Mobilis


The Phonixians of Mobilis
