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Ecuadorian Shrimp Packaging Design with Illustrations

The goal of this project was to create a visually appealing and functional packaging design for a brand of Ecuadorian shrimp. The design needed to showcase the product's origin, convey a sense of quality, and be easily identifiable to consumers. Additionally, the project aimed to highlight my illustration skills in addition to my graphic design and packaging design abilities.
The project included the following elements:
Design Concept: The design concept was developed based on the brand's messaging, target audience, and the product's origin. The design was created to convey a sense of authenticity, sustainability, and freshness. The illustrations were incorporated to add an element of visual interest and showcase the beauty of Ecuador's natural landscapes.
Illustrations: The illustrations were created by me and depicted various Ecuadorian landmarks, landscapes, and marine life. The illustrations were incorporated into the design to highlight the product's origin and add a unique visual element to the packaging.
Visual Elements: The visual elements of the design included high-quality images of the shrimp and Ecuadorian landmarks, attention-grabbing graphics, and typography that reflected the brand's identity. The design also incorporated color schemes that were consistent with Ecuadorian culture.
Packaging Design: The packaging design was optimized to be functional and easy to use. The design included information such as the product name, weight, and nutritional information. The design also included a window to showcase the product, allowing consumers to see the quality of the shrimp before purchasing.
As the creator of this project, I was responsible for developing the design concept, creating the illustrations, selecting the visual elements, and creating the packaging design. I utilized my skills in graphic design, illustration, and packaging design to create a visually appealing and functional design that effectively showcased the brand and its product.
Overall, this project was successful in helping the brand to increase sales and brand awareness. By leveraging high-quality visual elements, including my original illustrations, and a functional packaging design that reflected the product's origin and authenticity, the Ecuadorian shrimp packaging design effectively conveyed a sense of quality and sustainability to consumers. Additionally, the project demonstrated my strong illustration skills, as well as my abilities in graphic and packaging design.
Ecuadorian Shrimp Packaging Design with Illustrations


Ecuadorian Shrimp Packaging Design with Illustrations
