Ghost Network by Sea Shepherd


We were presented with the challenge of supporting The Ghost Network mission to protect the environment and promote global action. The goal is to inspire individuals, businesses, corporations, and federations to recognize their power in bringing positive change to our natural playgrounds.


Through the development of a comprehensive 360-degree campaign, we will create a strong and impactful messaging strategy accompanied by visually striking visuals. This campaign will not only support Sea Shepherd's Ghost Network Campaign but also involve refreshing the Ghost Network website under the Sea Shepherd brand.​​​​​​​
Our solution involves practicing new processes and executing a full campaign rollout. By harnessing the power of design and communication, we aim to unite a global community and motivate them to take action in preserving our precious ecosystems. Together with Sea Shepherd, we will inspire others to join us in protecting the places and lifestyles we cherish.

Ghost Network by Sea Shepherd