Paola Nava's profile

La Boutique del Platano

La Boutique del Platano
On the tour through these spaces, the consumer experience varies, from the explosion of natural light and green plants in the side patios, through the diversity of smells-colors-shapes of the products in the Store displays, the attraction of vibrant colors and natural materials that we find in the area of refrigerated display cases and in the buffet bar, the lighting filtered through the banana trees that accompany the Dining area, to the photographed natural scenes that frame the parabans of the central space or Lounge.
Each visit to LA BOUTIQUE is a multisensory experience that reminds us of elements of our culture and local color.

Project year: September 2010- December 2010
Location: Maracaibo, Zulia - Venezuela
Architecture: NMD l Nomadas
Position: Project Architect
Rendering: NMD l Nomadas - Paola Nava
Area: 3,380sqft/ 314m2

La Boutique del Platano


La Boutique del Platano
