self portrait practice
polarized for this portrait, adjusted contrast for detail
Colorized Photo Practice
I found the color blending mode and brush tool to be the most useful when coloring this boy.
Colorized Photo Collage 
Using my previous method for colorizing photos; I used selection, layers, blending modes, layer opacity, the text tool, and the brush tool to create this collage. 
Cereal Box
Using a mock-up, I created a typical cereal box. I used green as a complimentary color with red, and to emphasize organic ingredients. I used the large red apple to be an eye catching focal point.
Self Portrait (Test)
I had an idea which I wanted to experiment with. Using thick paper I created an environment that can be seen in the background. I cut an opening for the door, and folded the paper to create the stairs. Taking a picture of it, I implemented it into the portrait by painting over it and editing the colors so it would appear more hand-drawn. I then used the brush, eraser, and selection tool to draw the figure. I implemented blending modes to create unity in the color of this piece. 
Self Portrait Collage
I made use of blending modes for textures and the polarize feature. I overlayed various colors for unity and adjusted contrast for visual appeal and used rule of thirds loosely for composition. 
Complimentary colors
I took various images apart to piece together my landscape, adjusting colors as needed for the blue and orange complimentary scene. I used the polarize filter and blending modes for unity of color and contrast. 
Analogous colors
I created a sketch and made use of the gradient map for analogous colors. I practiced crosshatching.
Analogous colors
I threw together images of different primates, creating a composite of them all together in one scene. I then used the polarize filter for contrast and the gradient map for colors. 
Tertiary colors
I used the primary colors for the plague doctor focal point, moving the gradient map outwards for the tertiary colors. I created the background by selecting different buildings, warping them, and copy and pasting parts of them to create the scene. 
Full Color Wheel
I used the overlay filter to show how each color of moon sat on top of one another to create the secondary colors. I used the gradient map to adjust colors moving into secondary and tertiary as the scene expanded. 
"In my dreams my shadow came to me wearing the skin of my enemy," is from a ROAR song. I took apart a piece of fabric (digitally) to create the cloak, and composed the image synthesizing various other images. Blending modes and hue shifts were very helpful. 
Hybrid Animal
I created a biblically accurate swift by cutting out the wings from other swift birds. I made use of blending modes to add lighting and shadows. 
Hybrid Animal
I created a hyena-crocodile by using the selection took to select parts from the different animals and piece them together. I used the eraser tool to create a fading effect and blending modes to adjust colors.
Hybrid Animal
I created a squirrel monkey-hyena (squirrel monkey is one animal, there is no squirrel in this) by selecting the head of the hyena and adjusting the colors of the hyena's fur to blend into the monkey's.
"When you're a flightless bird with wings, sometimes the humor of a bitter God just loses all it's novelty," from a ROAR song. I composited multiple images together so that I could create a fantasy scene based off of the song lyric shown above. I used the brush, eraser, and lasso tool; followed by blending modes and various FX filters to unify the image.
Typography Poster
I used newspaper text, images, and articles mixed with paper textures to create this image about 'Leontopithecus' (the lion tamarin). I made use of blending modes to pull everything together, more specifically 'add' for lighting. 
Typography Poster
I used newspaper text, images, and articles mixed with paper textures to create this image about swift birds and their flights. I made use of blending modes to pull everything together, more specifically 'add' and 'overlay' for lighting unity. I also experimented with warping words.
Propaganda Poster 1
I used newspapers, the color red for mood and blue for contrast. I made use of the polarize filter, added everything together to create a composite image about war and violence. 
Propaganda Poster 2
I used images and newspaper articles together to create a 'solarpunk' image, manipulating with opacity to create a layered effect was helpful. 
Narrative Portrait 1 
I used warp and blending modes, as well as the brush tool to create one of my cartoon character designs into a real person. I edited colors and face shape to achieve this. 
Narrative Portrait 2
I used warp and blending modes, as well as the brush tool to create one of my cartoon character designs into a real person. I edited colors and face shape to achieve this. 
Narrative Portrait 3
I created a composite of multiple different images of myself overtime, using the eraser tool and blending modes for unity. 
Narrative Portrait —> Movie Poster
Narrative Portrait —> Product Advertisement 
Narrative Portrait —> PSA
I edited colors for unity and added movement with the jungle video. I used the jungle to help advertise the product because it features animals.
I warped the trees at a slightly low opacity to create the illusion of wind.
Extra Test
REMAKE —> I felt that the original was low quality and poorly made. The whole thing wasn't so interesting, just some copy and pasted wings and eyes. To remake my hybrid, I used wings from an eagle to amplify the angelic features, and painted my own details onto the bird because I couldn't find an image of high enough quality. I adjusted all the colors with gradients and blending modes. 
REMAKE —> The original was okay, but I found that the background was poorly made and looked sorta cheap. To improve upon this, I used higher quality images. To create the plague doctor I used multiple images and pieced them together so I could have the pose that I wanted. I adjusted the colors using blending modes, gradients, and hue shifts. I used multiple FX layers to fully render out the image.
REMAKE —> I remade a project from last year and improved upon my rendering skills with the brush took and use of blending modes and effect layers. I adjusted the composition to be one more appealing to the eyes by creating one that is off balance. 
Final Advertisement Poster
I created a berry coca-cola drink to be appealing to children. I used the bear and bright colors to attract young eyes, and focused on health for the parents who would be purchasing the product. I placed berries in a bubbly blue background to make the drink look refreshing.
Coke 4 Kids Berry Blast Product
Web Banner
Social Media Post
Simple social media post and web banners with movement so that the viewer clicks on the post directly to learn more. 
CDM - Photoshop

CDM - Photoshop
