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Logo Animations Vol.01

Hey everyone! I'm really enjoying getting into motion design, especially animating logos. I've been playing around with some client logos and animations and thought it would be cool to share them! And here is Logo Animation Vol. 01, featuring different styles of logo animation.
Let me know what you think!

Some of these animations are part of larger branding projects. Feel free to explore the full projects to learn more about the brands. Each animation in this collection captures the essence of the brand it represents, seamlessly blending aesthetics and functionality. They are designed to make a lasting impression.

Copyright 2024, all rights reserved

WaveWeb Solutions

Wavewebยฉ aspires to be a pioneer in innovative marketing and web development. They provide outstanding service along with cutting-edge technology to help businesses thrive online.

SOS Method Appโ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹

The SOS Method App is a trusted resource for overcoming stress, anxiety, depression, and the effects of chronic illness. Their approach leverages music and proprietary technology to help users manage these challenges.

GenZ Fashion

GenZ is a fashion brand that targets GenZ. They are more than simply fashion-savvy; they're trendsetters in their own right.

To reflect their style, we created a quirky, streetwear look with a modern combo logo and branding. We used a lower frame rate animation, which also helped us achieve a retro look for the graffiti-style Z and other elements. Additionally, I incorporated choppy animation to enhance the overall effect.

Check Out the full project: Click Here

1Vision Tech

1Visionย is a prime example of a technological pioneer, always pushing the envelope to reimagine industries and usher in revolutionary change.

Check Out Projectย : Click Here

Hopeful Hearts Foundationย 

The Hopeful Hearts Foundation is a new organization that helps kids and families who don't have much. They give them things like school help, medical care, and the basic stuff they need. Their goal is to make the kids' lives better and give them hope and happiness.

It was my own design services agency two years ago.I started the agency (though I didn't have much knowledge about running an agency back then, haha), andย unfortunately, it's not operational anymore.But I did animate this logo for that agency.

Skyrise Architects

Skyrise Architects is a creative company that creates attractive, earth-friendly constructions. They provide services for planning, designing, and managing the construction of dream places that are as good for the environment as they are for the people who live in them.

The Skyrise logo is made from organic shapes. The primary design elements are triangles and circles. The negative space creates the letter S. So, I used two circles and two triangles coming from the sides to form the logo shape. In the text animation, I also tried to match the style of the logo and create a smooth landing.

Check Out the full project: Click Here
Logo Animations Vol.01


Project Made For

Logo Animations Vol.01

i have been playing around with some client logos and animations and thought it would be cool to share them! And here is Logo Animation Vol. 01, Read More
