EPB which means Escola Profissional de Braga was my school between 2008 and 2011. 
On my last year I had to show what I learned during that three years and my project was the organization of a week dedicated to graphic design and related activities (encontros'11 Design Gráfico). Inserted on that week, I presented to the school a huge 5 x 4,30 meters mosaic composed by portraits of the students, teachers and employees that revealed a main face. The main face is also from student of EPB. I revealed this work to the school comunity after the classes and it was a huge success and it could be seen from the center of the city.

Take a look at the pictures below and a few shots from the making of...
Photography by: Ricardo Ferreira, Pedro Ribeiro, Luís Carlos Oliveira, Sérgio Sousa, Hugo Antunes
Mosaic created by: Geiras
O Rosto EPB

O Rosto EPB

Huge bilbooard with 5 x 4.3 meters formed by portraits of students, teachers and staff of the Escola Profissional de Braga.
