Acrylic on canvas
30" x 40"

    ·         Scriptural basis:
    §  Genesis 3:15- Mary crushing the serpent. In this depiction (like others), has an apple in its mouth while Mary stands on a crescent moon.
    §  11 stars in the stained glass halo- Though Judas was eventually replaced sometime in Acts, the artist still chose to only put 11 stars as a reminder of the 11 apostles who didn’t betray Jesus.
    §  Luke 2:35- Immaculate Heart of Mary. Depicted here impaled by a kris on her chest plate

·   Decorated armor- Mary as a protector from evil.
·   Composition (holding Jesus as a baby while crushing the serpent) and palette- Mary as an exterminator of evil while being a mother and bringer of life—the sunrise to a cold night.
·   Filipino and Jewish touches- Many cultures have given their own spin to religious imagery. The armored dress is a terno and the sword impaling the heart on the armor is a kris. But Mary, Jesus and their family were originally Jewish and Mary was painted with portraits of Hebrew/Jewish women as reference. Half the stars are the Star of David. 
 ·  Baby Jesus- For a time, the artist was hung up on this: would it be green for life, violet for royalty or red for both? Later realizing for a Santo Nino, green is for prosperity for shop owners and would clash with everything else and violet is sorrow for Lenten season. So the artist mixed red and violet: a combination of life and royalty.  
 ·  Headpiece- inspired by a rosary and has roses since rosarium is Latin for either “rose garden” or “crown of roses.”

Rising Dawn

Rising Dawn

Art Nouveau painting of the Blessed Virgin Mary with Filipino touches
