De stijl

The De Stijl movement is based on embracing abstract, and it was paired down aesthetic centred in the visual that is basic elements, for example colours that are the three primary colours and geometric forms. (Nast, 2017).
The quality of the De Stijl art was envisioned by the people who created it as a universal language that is visual that is appropriate to the era that is modern, it was a new time, a new order of the world that was spiritualized. (nast, 2017).
The movement was founded by Theo van Doesburg in the year 1917 the contemporary art, and the meaning of this was to recruit a like-minded artist in a formation that was of a new artistic collective that was embracing an expansive art of notion, and it was infused by the ideals of Utopian of harmony that was Spiritual. (Nast, 2017).
In the De Stijl movement the artist has a visual language that is consisted of precise rendering forms that are geometric, it contains lines that are straight and also consist of rectangles and squares and also it is based on colours that are the three primary colours. (Nast, 2017).
The De Stijl movement were designed to make a variety of influences of artistic and medias the goal of the development is of a new aesthetic that practises on not only in the fine and applied arts, it is among the planning of urban, industrial design music, poetry and also typography. (Nast, 2017).
In the image below, figure 1, it is a painting and the artwork is called the “Composition with red, Blue and Yellow. The artwork has painted in the year in 1930 by the artists whose name is Piet Mondrian. Piet Cornelis Mondriaan was a Dutch painter and he was a theoretician and he is known as one of the greatest artists of the 20th century. He was born on the 7th of March in 1872 and he has passed away on the first of February in 1944. (Chadwick, 2019).
The artwork is a small canvas and it has the three primary colours and also black and white. It has forms that consists of rectilinear, rectangles and squares. (Chadwick, 2019).

                         Figure1.) Mondrian, P, Composition with Red, Blue and Yellow, (1930), painting. (Chadwick, 2019).
In the image below, figure 2, it is a furniture that is based of the surrealism movement, it contains the 3 primary colours. 

                                                           Figure2.) Rietveld, G, The red and blue chair, (1918), wood.
Nast, C. (2017). The Design Movement That Hasn't Changed for 100 Years. [online] Architectural Digest. Available at: [Accessed 18 Oct. 2019].
De Stijl

Project Made For

De Stijl


Creative Fields