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Himanshu Bisht

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21 paid projects on Behance
Brand Identity Design
Brand Identity Design
Brand Identity Design

From US$1,000

Crafting a remarkable brand goes beyond mere visuals; it's about curating an immersive experience for your audience. As your brand consultant, my mission is to cultivate a robust brand strategy tailored to your unique identity. Together, we'll pinpoint your target demographic, refine your messaging, and accentuate your distinct value proposition. By delving into your brand's essence, we'll uncover what sets you apart from the competition. Our collaborative journey will culminate in the creation of a dynamic identity design. I'll lead you through the process of crafting a bespoke logo that encapsulates your brand's spirit. From selecting color palettes to typography, we'll meticulously curate every visual element to ensure a cohesive and unforgettable brand image. Let's join forces to build a brand that not only captivates but also propels your business forward. What's Included: 1. Strategic Brand Development A comprehensive strategy mapping out your target audience, unique selling points, messaging, and visual identity. Grounded in thorough market analysis, this strategy will pave the way for a clear and strategic visual presentation plan. 2. Creative Direction Guided exploration of your brand's visual direction, including curated mood boards for color schemes, typography, and design aesthetics. Our goal is to harmonize creative elements with your brand's ethos, captivating your audience effectively. 3. Logo Design Journey Collaborative development of a captivating logo, from initial sketches to refined iterations. Our process covers a range of logo options, including marks, wordmarks, and color specifications, ensuring a design that resonates with your brand identity. 4. Brand Guidelines Creation of a comprehensive style guide delineating visual and communicative elements across all platforms. From logo usage to color schemes and typography, these guidelines will maintain consistency and coherence across your brand's touchpoints. Our brand identity package offers everything from logos to motion graphics, including licensed mockups, and licensed fonts, ensuring your brand stands out.

Within 1-2 weeks

3 concepts, 3 revisions

Logo Design
Logo Design
Logo Design

From US$200

Introducing our Basic Logo Package, a comprehensive solution to kickstart your brand's visual identity journey. Included in the package: Creative Direction: Immerse yourself in your brand's essence with curated MoodBoards, setting the tone for your logo's design direction. Main Logo: A standout primary logo that encapsulates your brand's personality and values, serving as its visual cornerstone. Secondary Logo: A versatile variant perfect for different contexts and applications while maintaining brand consistency. Brandmark Logo: A distinct symbol that simplifies your brand's identity, ideal for smaller spaces or social media profiles. Visualization: See your logo in action with visual mockups, providing insight into its appearance across various platforms. Color Palette: A thoughtfully curated selection harmonizing with your brand's identity for visual cohesion and impact. Final Deliverables: File Formats: Receive your logo in various file formats optimized for web and print, ensuring flexibility and accessibility. Revision Rounds: Enjoy rounds of revisions for fine-tuning and adjustments to perfectly align with your vision. With our Basic Logo Package, elevate your brand and leave a lasting impression. Let's embark on this creative journey together and bring your brand's identity to life!

Less than a week

2 concepts, 1 revision

Packaging Design
Packaging Design
Packaging Design

From US$300

Crafting exceptional packaging and label designs goes beyond aesthetics; it's about creating an impactful brand experience from the moment your product is seen. As your packaging and label design expert, my mission is to develop captivating designs that elevate your brand's presence on the shelves. From boxes to labels, pouches to cans, I specialize in creating visually stunning packaging solutions that capture attention and drive sales. What's Included: 1. Comprehensive Packaging Design Tailored packaging designs for your specific product, whether it's a box, label, pouch, can, or bag. Each design is meticulously crafted to align with your brand identity and resonate with your target audience. 2. Packaging Dieline Precise dielines for each packaging element, ensuring accurate production and assembly. These dielines serve as the blueprint for creating physical packaging prototypes and mass production. 3. 3D Mockup Immersive 3D mockups that bring your packaging designs to life. These realistic renderings allow you to visualize how your product will look on the shelf, providing valuable insights for further refinement. 4. Print-Ready Files High-resolution files optimized for print production, including all necessary specifications for color, size, and format. These files are ready to be sent directly to your printer, ensuring a seamless transition from design to production. With my expertise in packaging and label design, I'm committed to helping your brand stand out on the shelves and leave a lasting impression on your customers. Let's collaborate to create packaging designs that not only protect your product but also tell your brand's unique story.

Less than a week

2 concepts, 2 revisions

Brand Proposal Presentation
Brand Proposal Presentation
Brand Proposal Presentation

From US$500

Our Brand Proposal Presentation Package is designed to effectively communicate your brand vision and strategy. Here’s what we offer: Discovery Session: We begin with an in-depth session to understand your brand’s mission, vision, and value proposition. Presentation Structure: A well-organized presentation with an engaging introduction, detailed content, and a strong conclusion. Brand Story: A compelling narrative that highlights your brand’s history, mission, values, and vision. Market Analysis: Insightful analysis of market trends, competitive landscape, and target audience. Brand Strategy: Detailed outline covering brand positioning, messaging, and differentiation. Visual Identity: Showcase of logo usage, color palette, typography, and imagery standards. Marketing Plan: Overview of key initiatives, campaigns, and channels for reaching your audience. Content Strategy: Summary of content types, themes, and distribution channels. Customer Experience: Explanation of customer service principles, user experience design, and engagement tactics. Implementation Timeline: Clear timeline with key milestones and deliverables. Performance Metrics: Definition of KPIs and metrics to measure success. Design and Visuals: Professionally designed slides with custom graphics and images. Revision Rounds: Multiple rounds of revisions to ensure alignment with your vision. With our Brand Proposal Presentation Package, you can confidently present your brand’s vision and strategy. Let’s create a presentation that captivates your audience and propels your brand forward.

Less than a week

3 concepts, 3 revisions

Complete Brand Guideline
Complete Brand Guideline
Complete Brand Guideline

From US$1,000

Our Customized Brand Guideline Package is designed to ensure consistency and cohesion across all your brand’s communications and visual elements. Package Overview: We begin by thoroughly understanding your brand’s core values, mission, and vision. This insight informs the creation of comprehensive brand guidelines that serve as a reference for all stakeholders, ensuring your brand is represented consistently and effectively. Key Elements of the Package: Brand Overview: A detailed introduction to your brand’s history, mission, vision, and core values, providing context and direction for all branding efforts. Logo Usage: Guidelines on how to use your primary and secondary logos, including clear space, minimum size requirements, and appropriate and inappropriate usage scenarios. Color Palette: A carefully curated selection of primary and secondary colors, complete with color codes for print (CMYK), web (HEX), and digital (RGB) use, ensuring visual consistency. Typography: Specifications for your brand’s typefaces, including fonts for headings, body text, and special uses. Guidelines cover font sizes, weights, and styles to maintain uniformity. Imagery and Iconography: Standards for the use of images, illustrations, and icons, including style, tone, and context. This ensures that all visual content aligns with your brand’s identity. Brand Voice and Tone: A comprehensive guide to your brand’s communication style, including preferred language, tone, and messaging for various contexts. This ensures your brand speaks consistently across all platforms. Stationery and Collateral: Design templates and usage guidelines for business cards, letterheads, envelopes, and other branded materials, ensuring a cohesive look and feel. Digital Presence: Guidelines for maintaining brand consistency across digital platforms, including website, social media, and email marketing. This includes layout principles, image use, and content standards. Templates and Assets: Pre-designed templates for presentations, social media posts, and marketing materials, allowing your team to create on-brand content efficiently. Application Examples: Real-world examples demonstrating correct and incorrect applications of the brand guidelines across various mediums, helping to illustrate best practices. Revision Rounds: Multiple rounds of revisions to ensure that every aspect of the brand guidelines is perfectly aligned with your vision and requirements. With our Customized Brand Guidelines Package, you can ensure that your brand is presented consistently and professionally, no matter the platform or medium. Let’s work together to create a unified brand presence that resonates with your audience and strengthens your identity.

Less than a week

3 concepts, 3 revisions

Logo Animation
Logo Animation
Logo Animation

From US$500

Bring your brand to life with captivating logo animations that captivate and engage your audience. Our logo animation services specialize in giving personality and movement to your brand identity, whether it's for intros, advertisements, presentations, or social media. Using advanced animation techniques, we breathe dynamic movement into your logo, making it memorable and impactful. What's Included: Logo Rigging and Animation Animating your logo for seamless movement and dynamism, allows it to convey energy and personality effectively. Expressive Effects and Transitions Creating dynamic effects and transitions that add depth and visual interest to your logo animation, enhances its engagement. Fluid Motion Graphics Fluid and natural motion graphics that bring your logo to life, making it feel dynamic and engaging. Sound Integration Precise sound integration that synchronizes with your logo animation, ensuring a cohesive and immersive viewer experience. Custom Animation Styles Tailored animation styles to suit your brand's aesthetic and messaging, from playful and dynamic to sleek and professional. With our logo animation expertise, your brand will stand out from the crowd, captivating audiences and delivering your message with impact and charm. Let's animate your logo and tell your story in a way that resonates with your audience.

Within 1-2 weeks

2 concepts, 1 revision

Social Media Designs
Social Media Designs
Social Media Designs

From US$200

Transform your social media presence with eye-catching designs tailored to captivate your audience. From striking graphics to engaging animations, we'll craft visuals that resonate with your brand's identity and message. Let's elevate your online presence and leave a lasting impression on your followers!

Within 1 month

1 concept, 3 revisions

Merchandise and Branding Materials
Merchandise and Branding Materials
Merchandise and Branding Materials

From US$100

Elevate your brand presence with eye-catching merchandise and branding materials that leave a lasting impression. Our merchandise and branding materials services specialize in creating visually stunning assets to enhance your brand identity, whether it's for business cards, stickers & stationery, flyers & brochures, or T-shirts & merchandise. With our expertise in graphic design and printing, we bring your brand to life across various mediums, ensuring consistency and professionalism. What's Included: Business Cards: Designing sleek and professional business cards that reflect your brand identity and leave a memorable impression on clients and partners. Stickers & Stationery: Creating custom stickers and stationery that showcase your brand logo and messaging, perfect for adding a personal touch to packages, letters, and office supplies. Flyers & Brochures: Designing visually compelling flyers and brochures that effectively communicate your brand message and offerings, capturing the attention of your target audience. T-shirts & Merchandise: Crafting unique and stylish T-shirt designs and merchandise items that showcase your brand identity and resonate with your audience, perfect for promotional events and giveaways. With our merchandise and branding materials expertise, your brand will stand out from the competition, making a memorable impact on your audience. Let's create branded materials that elevate your brand and leave a lasting impression.

Less than a week

3 concepts, 3 revisions

Logo Identity
Logo Identity
Logo Identity

From US$500

Our Customized Logo Design Package is the perfect solution to establish your brand’s unique visual identity. The journey begins with an in-depth exploration of your brand through tailored MoodBoards, setting the direction for a logo that reflects your brand’s essence. The main logo will be the cornerstone of your brand, capturing its personality and values. Alongside this, you'll receive an alternative logo variant designed for different contexts, ensuring your brand remains consistent across all applications. To complement these, we create a distinctive brandmark, a simplified icon that represents your brand in smaller spaces, such as social media profiles. You’ll also see your logo in action with visual mockups, giving you a clear picture of how it will appear across various platforms. A thoughtfully selected color palette will be provided, harmonizing with your brand’s identity to ensure visual cohesion and impact. The final deliverables will include your logo in various file formats optimized for both web and print, giving you the flexibility you need. We understand that perfection takes time, so our package includes rounds of revisions to fine-tune the design and ensure it aligns perfectly with your vision. Elevate your brand with our Customized Logo Design Package. Let's embark on this creative journey together and bring your brand’s identity to life.

Within 1-2 weeks

4 concepts, 4 revisions

 Brand Strategy
 Brand Strategy
 Brand Strategy

From US$1,500

Our Customized Brand Strategy Package offers a comprehensive approach to defining and enhancing your brand’s unique identity. We start by diving deep into your brand’s core values, vision, and mission. This foundational work guides the creation of a tailored brand strategy that aligns with your business goals and resonates with your target audience. Through detailed research and analysis, we identify your market position and competitive landscape, allowing us to develop a strategic roadmap for your brand. Key components of the package include: Brand Positioning: Define your brand’s unique place in the market, distinguishing it from competitors and establishing a clear, compelling value proposition. Brand Messaging: Craft a consistent and impactful message that communicates your brand’s story, values, and benefits to your audience effectively. Visual Identity: Develop a cohesive visual identity that includes logo design, color palette, typography, and imagery guidelines, ensuring all visual elements reflect your brand’s personality. Content Strategy: Create a content plan that includes key themes, topics, and formats to engage your audience across various platforms, reinforcing your brand message. Marketing Plan: Outline targeted marketing initiatives and campaigns designed to reach and engage your audience, driving brand awareness and loyalty. Customer Experience: Enhance the customer journey by aligning every touchpoint with your brand’s promise, ensuring a consistent and memorable experience. Implementation Roadmap: Provide a detailed plan for executing the brand strategy, including timelines, milestones, and key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure success. Throughout the process, we offer rounds of revisions to refine and perfect each element of the strategy, ensuring it meets your vision and objectives. With our Customized Brand Strategy Package, you can confidently build a strong, cohesive brand that stands out in the market and resonates with your audience. Let’s embark on this strategic journey together and bring your brand’s vision to life.

Within 1 month

5 concepts, 5 revisions