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Abul Kalam Azad

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Company Branding
Company Branding

From US$150

I provide comprehensive company branding services to help businesses establish a strong and cohesive brand identity. Here's a concise description of my services: Brand Strategy: I work closely with clients to develop a clear brand strategy that aligns with their business goals and target audience. This includes defining the brand's mission, values, unique selling proposition, and brand positioning in the market. Logo Design: I create custom logo designs that embody the essence of the brand. Through a collaborative process, I develop unique and memorable logos that reflect the brand's personality, values, and industry. Visual Identity Development: I design a complete visual identity system that includes color palettes, typography guidelines, and graphic elements. This ensures consistency and cohesion across all brand materials, both online and offline. Brand Messaging and Tone of Voice: I help define the brand's voice and develop compelling messaging that resonates with the target audience. This includes crafting brand taglines, key messages, and tone of voice guidelines that reflect the brand's personality and values. Brand Collateral Design: I design a range of brand collateral materials, such as business cards, letterheads, brochures, and presentation templates, that maintain consistency with the brand's visual identity. These materials help create a cohesive and professional brand presence. Website Design: I create visually appealing and user-friendly websites that effectively communicate the brand's message. The website design aligns with the brand's visual identity, ensuring a seamless brand experience for visitors. Brand Guidelines: I develop comprehensive brand guidelines that serve as a reference for maintaining brand consistency. These guidelines outline proper logo usage, color codes, typography, imagery styles, and any other specifications necessary to maintain a cohesive brand presence. Brand Launch and Implementation: I assist in planning and executing the brand launch, ensuring a consistent and impactful introduction to the market. I provide support during the implementation phase, offering guidance and resources to internal and external stakeholders. Ongoing Brand Management: I offer ongoing brand management services to help businesses maintain and evolve their brand over time. This includes periodic brand audits, updates to visual materials, and strategic guidance to ensure the brand remains relevant and effective. With my company's branding services, businesses can establish a strong and memorable brand identity that resonates with their target audience. I am committed to delivering comprehensive branding solutions that help businesses stand out in the market and build long-lasting brand equity.

Within 1-2 weeks

2 concepts, 4 revisions

Logo Deisgn
Logo Deisgn
Logo Deisgn

From US$25

I provide professional logo design services to help businesses and individuals create unique and impactful visual identities. Here's a concise description of my services: Brand Identity Exploration: I begin by understanding your brand, its values, target audience, and industry. Through collaborative discussions, I gather insights to create a logo that effectively represents your brand's personality and resonates with your audience. Creative Concept Development: Based on the information gathered, I develop creative concepts for your logo design. These concepts focus on visual elements such as typography, symbols, and imagery that align with your brand's identity and objectives. Custom Logo Design: I create custom logo designs that are tailored to your brand's unique characteristics. Each logo is original, ensuring that it stands out from competitors and effectively communicates your brand's message. Iterative Design Process: I engage in an iterative design process, which includes presenting initial logo concepts for your feedback and refining them based on your input. This collaborative approach ensures that you are involved in the design evolution, resulting in a final logo that exceeds your expectations. Versatility and Scalability: I design logos that are versatile and scalable to different mediums and applications. Whether it's for print materials, digital platforms, or signage, your logo will maintain its visual impact and readability across various formats. Color Palette and Typography: I carefully select colors and typography that complement your logo design and reflect your brand's personality. This ensures a cohesive and harmonious visual identity across all brand materials. File Formats and Guidelines: Upon completion, I provide you with the final logo design in various file formats, suitable for both print and digital use. Additionally, I can create a comprehensive brand style guide that outlines proper logo usage, color codes, typography guidelines, and any other specifications to maintain consistency across different applications. Timely Delivery: I value your time and strive to deliver logo designs within agreed-upon timelines. I prioritize open communication and ensure that you are involved throughout the design process, making sure that the final logo meets your requirements and deadlines. With my logo design services, you can establish a strong visual identity that differentiates your brand and creates a lasting impression. I am dedicated to creating logos that accurately represent your brand's values and objectives, helping you stand out in the marketplace.

Less than a week

3 concepts, 2 revisions

Video editing & motion graphic

From US$100

Video Editing: I specialize in video editing, where I take raw footage and transform it into a polished and cohesive video. This includes trimming, cutting, and rearranging clips, adding transitions, music, and sound effects, enhancing visual quality, and ensuring smooth playback. Motion Graphics: I can create captivating motion graphics to add visual interest and enhance the storytelling of your videos. This includes animated titles, lower thirds, logo animations, text overlays, and other graphical elements that bring your video to life. Color Correction and Grading: I ensure that your videos have consistent and visually appealing colors by applying color correction and grading techniques. This helps to create a cohesive look and feel, enhance the mood, and improve the overall visual quality of your videos. Audio Enhancement: I optimize the audio quality of your videos by reducing background noise, adjusting volume levels, and adding music or voiceovers. This ensures that the audio is clear, balanced, and enhances the viewer's experience. Transitions and Effects: I incorporate smooth transitions, visual effects, and other creative elements to make your videos visually engaging and dynamic. This can include transitions between scenes, text animations, visual overlays, and special effects tailored to your video's style and content. Competitive Pricing: I understand the importance of affordability, and I offer competitive pricing for my video editing and motion graphics services. Pricing can vary depending on the complexity and length of the project. I provide detailed quotes based on the specific requirements and offer packages or hourly rates that are tailored to your budget. Timely Delivery: I value efficient turnaround times and strive to deliver the edited videos within the agreed-upon timelines. I maintain open communication throughout the process, ensuring that your project progresses smoothly and meets your deadlines. With my cost-effective video editing and motion graphics services, you can enhance the quality of your videos, engage your audience, and effectively convey your message. I am committed to providing professional results at a competitive price, making high-quality video content accessible to businesses and individuals.

Within 1-2 weeks

1 concept, 2 revisions

Ui Design
Ui Design
Ui Design

From US$200

I provide UI design services to create visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces for digital products. My services include wireframing, prototyping, visual design, responsive design, usability testing, collaboration with developers, and design system development. I aim to create intuitive and engaging interfaces that enhance the overall user experience and align with the client's brand identity.

Within 1-2 weeks

1 concept, 2 revisions

Social Media Post Design
Social Media Post Design
Social Media Post Design

From US$25

Visual Design: I specialize in creating visually appealing and attention-grabbing social media posts. Whether it's for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or any other platform, I design graphics that align with your brand identity and capture the attention of your target audience. Customized Templates: I can develop customized templates that maintain consistency in your social media posts. These templates can include your logo, brand colors, and other design elements, ensuring a cohesive and professional look across all your posts. Content Creation: If you need assistance with content creation, I can help brainstorm ideas and craft compelling captions or text overlays that accompany your visuals. I ensure that the content is concise, engaging, and tailored to your specific target audience. Visual Consistency: I work closely with clients to establish a consistent visual style for their social media posts. This consistency helps reinforce brand recognition and creates a cohesive and professional appearance across different posts and platforms. Brand Identity Integration: I incorporate your brand's logo, fonts, colors, and other elements into the social media post designs. This ensures that your posts reflect your brand's personality and values, helping to strengthen brand awareness and connection with your audience. High-Quality Graphics: I use professional design software to create high-quality graphics that are optimized for social media platforms. This includes attention to image resolution, file formats, and appropriate dimensions for each platform. Timely Delivery: I understand the importance of timely social media posts, so I strive to deliver designs within the agreed-upon timelines. I value open communication and aim to meet your deadlines effectively. With my social media post design services, you can enhance your online presence, attract more followers, and effectively communicate your message through visually appealing and engaging social media visuals.

Less than a week

1 concept, 1 revision